Friday, December 12, 2008

Kahnya Kicking It Up

This is one of Kahnya's favorite exercises. What a joy to see how happy she is kicking at things.

Very cool toy that Jill picked up at a garage sale for $3. Now THAT's cheap entertainment!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jeremy's Cool Pics

As I come to Thanksgiving, I am reminded of what I am most thankful for.
1. The gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
2. The gift of marriage to Jill.
3. The gift of children - Caleb and Jeremy bring blessing to me each day.

In the past year, Caleb and Jeremy have grown in many ways. Caleb has learned to edit videos and Jeremy has increased in his taste for music. This video combines both of these into a pretty impressive 2 minute showing. I hope you enjoy it.

Give thanks with a grateful heart!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A True Colts Fan!

Kahnya now has her own seat for watching her favorite football team. Now we just need to teach her how to hold and run the remote!

Friday, October 31, 2008

How’s the PULSE of Your Marriage?

Your pulse indicates the rate of your heartbeat. Typically your pulse increases when you are excited and goes down when you are relaxed.

Recently I was studying Ephesians 5:25-33 where Paul discusses how I am to love my wife. This is a challenging passage for a number of reasons, but on this day, the Lord stopped me on the word “as.” Paul writes in vs. 25, “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church….” So I asked the Lord, ‘How do I love Jill as Christ loved the church’?

First, I needed to better understand how Christ loved the church, His Bride.
As I pondered this, He revealed to me a 5-part plan for monitoring the “pulse” of my marriage. For me to love Jill “as Christ” loved the church, I need to love her:

P - Proactively - Christ loved the church before the church loved Him. He stepped out of heaven and came to earth to save sinners and to win His Bride. 1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” This tells me that I need to love Jill before she loves me. I need to not wait for her to “satisfy my needs” before caring for her, I need to take the initiative and meet her needs. By loving her in this way I will be following the example of Christ.

U - Unconditionally - Christ loved the church with no expectation of getting anything in return. He lived a sinless life and died in our place, taking the punishment for our sin upon Himself, then He raised from the dead to secure our salvation. All of this He did to love us knowing that many would never pay Him any attention. Our response made no difference in His love. This is how we are to love our wife… with no expectation of getting anything in return. When we put “strings” or “conditions” on our love, we really are not loving; we are really serving our self.

L - Lavishly - Christ held back nothing in His love for the church. He gave all that He had… and He did it, as Hebrews 12:2 tells us, “for the joy set before Him.” Christ was able to love the church lavishly because He was looking to His reward not from the church, but from His Father in heaven. When I love Jill with all that I have and hold back nothing, the reward I receive is the affirmation from the Lord that I am serving Him by loving her.

S - Sacrificially - Jesus “gave Himself up” for His bride. He could have chosen many other ways to love her, but He models for us the greatest love through dying. Every day gives me opportunities to “die to myself” and love Jill sacrificially. It’s not easy by any stretch of the imagination! I have to consciously choose to put her needs ahead of my own (Philippians 2:3-4) and act in her best interest.

E - Enduringly - Christ’s love for the church extends throughout eternity. It will never end. I need to love Jill in this same fashion. My commitment to her as part of our covenant marriage is that I will never leave her. It also means that I will love her regardless of the circumstance we find ourselves in. 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us that love “endures all things.” This kind of love is only possible as we submit to the Holy Spirit and keep our eyes on Jesus. Saying “I do” is a lifetime commitment. It’s a commitment to love your wife enduringly.

So how is the PULSE of your marriage??? Apply these 5 practices and you’ll feel your heartbeat increasing as you love your wife as Christ loved the church (these also apply to a wife loving her husband).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Be Content

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with such things as you have, because God has said--Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Hebrews 13:5

These words are very simple. A little child might easily understand them. They contain no high doctrine; they involve no deep metaphysical question; and yet, as simple as they are--the duty which these words enjoin on us, is of highest practical importance to all Christians.

Contentment is one of the rarest graces. Like all precious things--it is most uncommon. To practice contentment, is very hard. To talk of contentment in the day of health and prosperity is easy enough; but to be content in the midst of poverty, sickness, trouble, disappointments, and losses--is a state of mind to which very few can attain!

The fallen angels had heaven itself to dwell in, and the immediate presence and favor of God--but they were not content. Adam and Eve had the garden of Eden to live in, with a free grant of everything in it excepting one tree--but they were not content. Ahab had his throne and kingdom, but so long as Naboth's vineyard was not his--he was not content. Haman was the chief favorite of the Persian king--but so long as Mordecai sat at the gate--he was not content.

It is just the same everywhere in the present day. Murmuring, dissatisfaction, discontent with what we have, meet us at every turn. To say, with Jacob, "I have enough," seems flatly contrary to the grain of human nature. To say, "I want more," seems the mother tongue of every child of Adam.

Paul's direction ought to come with power to all our consciences: "Be content with such things as you have," not with such things as you once used to have--not with such things as you hope to have--but with such things as you now have. With such things, whatever they may be--we are to be content. With such a dwelling, such a family, such health, such income, such work, such circumstances as we now have--we are to be content.

Ah! reader, if you would be truly happy--seek it where alone it can be found. Seek it not in money, seek it not in pleasure, nor in friends, nor in learning. Seek it in having a will in perfect harmony with the will of God. Seek it in studying to be content.

You may say, that is fine talking--but how can we be always content in such a world? I answer, that you need to cast away your pride, and know your deserts, in order to be thankful in any condition. If men really knew that they deserve nothing, and are debtors to God's mercy every day--they would soon cease to complain.
Let me tell you why there is so little contentment in the world. The simple answer is, because there is so little grace, and true godliness. Few know their own sin; few feel their desert; and so few are content with such things as they have. Humility, self-knowledge, a clear sight of our own utter vileness and corruption; these are the true roots of contentment.

Let me tell you--what you should do, if you would be content. You must know your own heart, seek God for your portion, take Christ for your Savior, and use God's Word for your daily food. Contentment must be learned at the feet of Jesus Christ. He who has God for his friend, and heaven for his home--can wait for his good things, and be content with little here below.
-J.C. Ryle

Thanks to my friend Jason Lapp for sending this to me. I found great comfort in this.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where Is Your Focus?

I just received this email from Steve Sellers, VP of the Americas for Campus Crusade for Christ. I thought it was a timely and well written email that calls us to keep our Focus on the Kingdom and His Promises. Here's an excerpt. I hope you enjoy it.


Over the past 2 weeks I have been spending my quiet times in Matthew 6 and 7. In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus admonishes us, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

There is probably never more appropriate a time to hear these words. As I meditate on them I realize that the Lord wants me to check my heart to make sure I am concerned about the things that concern the Father rather than treasures on earth. Am I abandoning myself to trusting in Him, knowing that He will be the one to sustain me even as times get tough?

Jesus goes on in verse 25 to say, "For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?"

God cares for us, His children, more than anything else on earth and He is committed to meeting our needs. I should be reminded by this passage to not be overwhelmed by the circumstances of this world because my Father in heaven loves me and is concerned about me.

Economic turmoil is part of our current reality. Yet we are engaged in a higher calling. We are connected to a God who not only controls that reality, but who is deeply and intimately concerned for us.

Jesus also says in Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it will be given to you and seek and you will find and knock and it will be open to you." In the midst of Jesus telling us to be careful where our heart is focused and where we lay our treasure, He reminds us that God is in control.

What He wants us to do is simply come before Him as His children and ask. He calls us to lay before Him our concerns, our needs and our desires because He wants to meet them.

God cares about us and loves us. He is committed to meeting our needs no matter what happens. This has been a great reminder to me -- to relax and trust in the Lord and in the knowledge that He is in control.


Rest assured, God IS in control! None of what happens to us is a surprise to Him. I believe that He actually allows everything that happens to us to happen to us so we'll see how we react, compare it to Christ and see how we need to change (Romans 8:29).

May you find great comfort and peace as you seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Positively Puzzling

Last night Jeremy wanted to put together a Batman puzzle with me. I don't like puzzles! But I love my son!!

We sat on the floor and sorted pieces, build the "frame" and began working on the inside. This is a challenging puzzle because of the many different colors.

The cool part was when Jeremy figured out how to get the "frame" to fit together when it looked like we were missing some pieces. It was a small victory for both of us.

Then, the "master puzzle putter-togetherer" Caleb , came to our rescue. He helped on two sections and added to our frustration by taking a piece that we couldn't figure out where it went, and placing it in the right spot within seconds. He gets this talent from his Mother.

It took us 45 minutes or so to complete. It was a fun time with my boys, and a good reminder that what matters is the time that I invest in being with them, regardless of what we're doing. I'm sure we'll be talking about the Batman Puzzle for many days.

Invest some time today with your loved ones doing what THEY want to do. You'll have fun and build a deeper relationship.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Playing with Poison

How much poison would you take it?

Are you willing to "test your limits" and see how much you can use before it harms you?

My guess is that you AVOID poison like the plague.

This week on FamilyLife Today we're talking about a different kind of poison - the Poison of Pornography. This is a poison that too many take it with their eyes, never realizing the devastating effects it WILL have. Listen to this 3-day broadcast and take heed from this poison.

Many times this becomes an addiction leading to other issues like Emotional and Physical Affairs. Next week on FamilyLife Today we'll air an interview where Judy Starr tells of her emotional affair and how the Lord healed her marriage. Here's a link to an excerpt from Judy's book, Enticement of the Forbidden.

Take the counsel of these victims and STAY AWAY from these poisons.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering God's Promise

Whenever I see a rainbow I am reminded of God's promise, His love, His mercy and His faithfulness.

I saw this one outside of FamilyLife one evening. It stopped me in my tracks and caused me to give praise.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim His handiwork. (Ps. 19:1)

Friday, August 29, 2008

The War of Words

This is a post that a friend of mine put on his blog today. I found it so convicting that I too wanted to share it. Thanks, Jason, for your heart and transparency.


Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
-Ephesians 4:29

I love this verse and hate it all at the same time. I love the verse because this is how we are to be as followers of Christ but I hate it because it's a huge struggle of mine. Jerry Bridges, in his book Respectable Sins, says this, "We see that we are not to let any corrupting talk come out of our mouths. Corrupting talk is not limited to profanity or obscene speech. It includes all the various types of negative speech I mentioned previously (lying, slander, critical speech, etc.). Note Paul's absolute prohibition. No corrupting talk. None whatsoever. This means no gossip, no sarcasm, no critical speech, no harsh words. All of these sinful words that tend to tear down another person must be put out of our speech. Think about what the church of Jesus Christ would look like if we all sought to apply Paul's words." I debated whether to post this or not. This is not easy stuff but Christ did not promise easy, He promised a battle that can be won by His grace. These challenges or convictions should do nothing more than take us to our knees in prayer to the Father. We are called to examine ourselves and last night was a wake up call about my speech. Praise God for the cross that allows us to confess and repent and keep pressing on toward the goal in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We got floored!

This past weekend we installed an oak hardwood floor in our house. It was a family-affair as we all pulled out the carpeting, removed the tack-strips and prepped the floor. Then, on Saturday at 10:30 a.m., we began troweling out the glue and laying the boards.

This was the 1st floor that Caleb and Jeremy helped to install. The did great fitting the boards, measuring the end boards that needed cut to length and actually using a chop-saw to cut them.
I think they enjoyed helping, though it was a long day.

We worked 11 hours on Saturday, then Jill and I worked another 3 hours on Sunday afternoon to finish. It looks beautiful!

My favorite part is the transition between the living room and the hallway because there is no transition strip. This floor fits together perpendicular as easily as it does parallel (and to think, I never knew that I'd use those words outside of Geometry class).

We are so grateful to the Lord for His provision and kindness. We prayed as a family before we began and this was completed without a major injury or error.

Laying this floor reminded me of how we need to stick together as a family. Though life gets rough at times, when we come alongside each other we can provide the support needed to endure whatever comes our way. The Lord has placed us in the family we are in and we need to give Him thanks and show gratitude for His many blessings.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cast Away

Jeremy finally got his cast off!!! I tried to tell him what to expect, but until you've experienced it first hand, it's difficult to describe.

Caleb, our resident movie director, produced this piece so you too could enjoy this momentous occasion:

There was a surprise finding although ...

After the cast was removed they took another X-ray and found that one of the bones (the top one in this photo) had not healed completely. So, Jeremy is now wearing a removeable splint for a few weeks.

Jeremy is thrilled to be able to bend his elbow once again. It won't be long before he's playing as if he'd never broken his arm. God certainly has made the body in an amazing way where it can heal itself over time.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Detour Ahead

I teach 5th/6th Grade Boys Sunday School. We were talking about how God banished Satan and 1/3 of the angels from heaven after 1 sin. They have no hope of forgiveness or reconciliation. We contrasted that with the kindness of God to offer us the free gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

You see, God had provided a "detour" for us in Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect life and died on the cross to propitiate God's wrath and bring us back into a perfect relationship with the Father. Jesus is our "detour" from hell.

Have you taken the Detour? If not, may I encourage you to reconsider your path? Detours are established for our own good.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY path to a right relationship with God. You can accept the free gift of God's "detour" and find true life, or you can keep going your own way and trying to make your own way to God, but in the end, you'll die trying.

Learn the lesson of the fallen angels and take the Detour.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The 3-Year Old Murderer

This is a short movie we made in our backyard while watching a friend's son for a few days. We hope you enjoy it.

Caleb DeLon
Director, Producer, Cameraman

Friday, August 8, 2008

Single Handed Corn on the Cob

There's no stopping a determined young man!

Jeremy is left handed, and his left arm is in a cast. As we were eating the other night, he was having a difficult time eating an entire ear of corn. As I glanced across the table an idea popped into my head. In less than a minute we had Jeremy's one-handed corn-on-the-cob contraption fully implemented. From that point on, the corn didn't have a chance!

They say that "Necessity is the Mother of Invention!" and I can see why. Think this idea is patent-able???

The Elusive Fan

We found it!!!! THIS is the fan that we need!

Part Photo

It's the A/C Condenser Fan, as opposed to the Engine Cooling Fan shown below.

After all of this searching, it dawned on me that the initial diagnosis was that the fan wasn't coming on when the engine was started. We thought that we were looking at the Engine Cooling Fan. Now I believe that we were actually looking at the A/C Condenser Fan which should NOT work unless the A/C is turned to the "on" position. That sure would explain a lot!

I'll re-diagnose this and see where the Lord leads me.

Proper diagnosis is 90% of the solution. Once we are sure of the "problem", only then can we prescribe an accurate solution. This is true in car repair, parenting, marriage and life. I am normally too quick to prescribe a solution; which gets me into trouble at times. I think the Lord is showing me to be more thorough in researching the situation BEFORE making a recommendation.

I think we'll be able to save a few dollars on this repair... but I won't know for certain until I invest a few minutes testing, researching and diagnosing. I had a similar thing happen with the Cruise Control on our van, but that'll have to wait for another Post....

Stay tuned....

The Lesson of the Snail

"By perseverance the snail reached the ark." - C. H. Spurgeon

That's how I'm feeling about now as I'm slowly, and methodically trying to locate the correct a/c cooling fan for the '96 Accord I've been working on. So far we've ordered 2 fans and both have been the wrong fan! We'll try again!

The Lord allows all things into our life to conform us into the likeness of His Son, Jesus (Romans 8:29). Patience is a Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), so this is simply part of my "sanctification saga."

Stay tuned...


A co-worker returned from the Great North of Minnesota with a bag of Caribou Coffee. This morning we are enjoying the smooth, vibrant taste. What a way begin a Friday! Thanks, Michelle (and Megan for brewing it).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fire Proof Your Marriage

This is a MUST SEE movie!!! FamilyLife is partnering with the producers to find ways to build godly marriages. This is NOT your typical romance movie that ends at the beginning of the relationship. This begins 7 years into a strained marraige and shows how the gospel can change a life and marriage. Watch the movie trailer & other clips below.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Let's Make a Deal

Remember the old TV Game Show, "Let's Make a Deal"??? I was reminded of this show recently after reading an article in the Answers in Genesis magazine.

In our culture, people want many ways to get to God... many "doors" if you will. This game show presented contestants with a choice of 3 doors. Their "fate" depended upon which door they chose.

Similarly, our eternal fate is determined by which door we choose. The Bible states very plainly that there is only One Door through which we must enter to be saved. Jesus said:

I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:9-10 ESV

Don't be fooled by the hope of multiple doors. There's only One Door that leads to God, that's the door of God's only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Neck Breaking Experience

Well, it happened again. My friend, Jason, and I were working on his car, attempting to replace one of the two cooling fans attached to the radiator. Three simple bolts and one electrical connector - a real "no brainer", or so I thought. Within 5 minutes of starting I realized this was going to be more challenging. The bottom bolt was located directly in front of the metal frame of the car, with barely enough room to get a socket on it. After many failed attempts, I decided that it'd be easier to remove the radiator to access this screw (who designs these things anyway???).

When I loosened the top radiator hose clamp and twisted the hose to break it free, the radiator inlet broke. That's NOT what I had planned! Seems like it had corroded from the inside. In about 20 minutes we had the old radiator removed and laying on the driveway.

Then we were off to the auto parts store to buy a new one. As we were exchanging the parts from the old one to the new one we realized that the fan we were going to install was the WRONG FAN!

Jason encouraged me numerous times during this adventure and reminded me to "smile" often. It was a blessing having him along for this journey as he is a bit more level headed than I am and his perspective on the situation allowed me to realize once again that God IS Sovereign and for reasons unknown to us, He chose to have this happen at this time for His glory and our good.

We installed the new radiator and all seems to be working fine. As I've pondered this fiasco, I find that it reminds me of my spiritual life. Many times I look fine on the outside but am rotten on the inside. It only takes a little bit of "twisting" from the Lord, or anyone else for that matter, to cause me to "break" and spew what's in my heart all over the place.

You see, I too am corroded on the inside. My heart is sinful and wicked. I'm full of pride, anger, selfishness, control, and many other harmful contaminants. I need Jesus to change my heart like we changed this radiator. I need His "fluid" (the Holy Spirit) to flow through me like Prestone flows through this radiator. I need Him, His Word and His Spirit more than you'd ever know.
I'm very good at concealing the corrosion inside my heart. Fortunately, God sees it all and He lovingly and graciously reveals my true condition to me and allows me to confess and repent. He alone can make me new.

The car is working properly again, and so am I. I'm growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that in the future I'll respond differently when He brings these opportunities into my life. I am grateful for His love, and the trust and friendship of Jason and his wife. They've no idea how much joy I receive in providing what little service I can give.

Be sure to come back often to read of my ongoing sanctification saga.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Just Saw Jesus!

I've had this image for nearly two decades. My brother gave it to me. It's a picture of Jesus's face... well, at least what we white Americans portray Jesus as looking like.

Anyway, this hangs on my wall in my Strategic Work Environment (cube) at work. A couple of co-workers and I were discussing it the other day and only one of them could recognize the image. It can be difficult to see Jesus at times.

On Monday, I was talking with the one who wasn't able to recognize the image when, mid-sentence, she exclaims, "I just saw Jesus!" Her excitement overflowed to the rest of us as her "eyes were opened" and she finally realized that we were NOT crazy or trying to pull her leg.

It's easy to miss seeing Jesus because many times He is disguised. He appears in the form of someone serving another, a kind word spoken to encourage, a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Most of the time I see Jesus through the pages of Scripture. He has revealed Himself clearly in the Bible. Some of my best days have followed from investing my quiet time reading the Bible, asking the Holy Spirit to open my eyes and allowing the Word of God to show me something I've never seen before.

Have you seen Jesus today??? If you haven't, it's not because He isn't nearby. Slow down a bit and seek His face. Look at a tree, a flower or into the eyes of a loved one. But to see the clearest image of Jesus, open your Bible and read about Him. Once you see Him, you'll never be the same.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ladder Ball

We learned about this game from some friends.  We call it "Ladder Ball."  It's easy to build and fun to play.  Watch the video to see how simple it is.

You make 2 "ladders" from PVC pipe (don't glue them together), then use 12 golf balls that you drill a hole through.  We used clothes line to connect the balls together (each set of balls is 16" on center).  One person has 3 sets of all white balls, the other person has 3 sets of one white & one colored ball (to tell the teams apart for scoring purposes).  You could use all colored balls for Team 2, we just didn't have that many colored golf balls.

Scoring: Top rung = 2 points, Middle rung = 3 points, Bottom rung = 1 point.  Top scoring Team wins.

The best part is that it's portable.  Simply take it apart, pack it into a bag and off you go.  Sets up in under 5 minutes.  

We hope you can have fun playing Ladder Ball with your family. If you want the building instructions, just email us. 

Spiritual Equivalent:  In Ladder Ball, getting the ball close to hanging on the rung doesn't help you win... you have to wrap it around perfectly.  In the Christian life, being close to perfect doesn't get you to heaven, only being perfect will.  Since we are not perfect, the only way to do this is through Jesus Christ, God's perfect Son.  He is our "ladder" to heaven.  

Whenever you play Ladder Ball, remember that to get to heaven we must rely on the One and Only way, God's perfect Son, Jesus Christ. 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Moving Experience

The Lord, He is good!

I picked up the window motor assembly at 3pm - it had a few more components than I had thought it would. Fortunately, the removal of the old one was simple and the new one installed easily.

After connecting the motor to the switch, I quickly realized that the wires going to the motor were wired backwards, which means that when I pushed the window switch to the "up" position, the window went down. Not good! So, after a few minutes of re-wiring the motor, all was heading in the right direction. (see video below)

While re-assembling the door panel, I had some "issues" with a stubborn door latch rod which insisted on popping out multiple times. The Lord impressed upon me that I needed to be patient and allow Him to use this to develop patience and perseverance. I obeyed and all came together.

The Lord is so gracious to allow opportunities for growth in every day projects. I'm coming to learn (I'm a bit slow at times) that I can learn how to follow Christ more fully and closely through every situation He brings into my life.

This window wasn't working right because the power wasn't flowing through the motor. The same is true for all of us. When we don't allow God's power (His Holy Spirit) to flow through us, we won't work as we were designed. It's only when we yield to His prompting and allow Him to change our hard, defective hearts that we begin "working" as He desires.

Please join me in "flipping the switch" and allowing God's Power to flow through us. When we do, we'll be headed in the right direction.

Accord-ing to Hoyle

Our family enjoys playing card games. I grew up playing Euchre and my wife taught me to play Pinnochle. Many card games follow the strategies developed by Edmond Hoyle. When you're unsure of what to do next, knowing what Hoyle would do is a great backup.

Well, this morning I wasn't playing cards, but working on a Honda Accord for a friend. We were trying to locate the fuel pump relay. After 40 minutes of searching, removing various parts and praying, we gave up. Sure could have used "car repair according to Hoyle"!  

Next we found the solution to a weak windshield washer sprayer, and then moved on to a slow moving power window.  In spraying the window track w/ WD-40, the motor suddenly stopped working... before the window was all the way up (I thought that stuff was supposed to lubricate and make things work more smoothly, not stop all together). 

Again, Hoyle would have been a great resource.

After a few moments of pondering & pricing, we decided to remove the door panel and replace the motor.

At the time of this writing, I'm waiting for a window motor to arrive at the auto parts store. Lord willing, I'll get this installed and the door put back together without any further issues.

It's times like these when I have to remember that the Lord IS Sovereign and that He allows all events into my life. In doing so, I need to see how I respond, compare my response to how Jesus would respond, then pray for His Spirit to conform me into the image of God's Son. (Romans 8:29)

Sactification is an on-going process. I'm still learning to take what the Lord brings my way, pray for wisdom and humbly follow Him. Following Christ is not as simple as following Hoyle, but it is much more profitable.

Jeremy's Broken Arm

Jeremy was playing "capture the flag" at church a few weeks ago. Running at full speed, he extended his arms to stop himself against the wall. The wall didn't move, but the 2 bones in his lower arm did - OUCH!!! He had the presence of mind to re-set his arm on-the-spot.

Here's the X-Ray of his broken arm

Here's Jeremy displaying his "Colts Blue" cast.

Jeremy will get his cast off in mid-August. He'll still have plenty of time to swim.