Monday, October 6, 2008

Playing with Poison

How much poison would you take it?

Are you willing to "test your limits" and see how much you can use before it harms you?

My guess is that you AVOID poison like the plague.

This week on FamilyLife Today we're talking about a different kind of poison - the Poison of Pornography. This is a poison that too many take it with their eyes, never realizing the devastating effects it WILL have. Listen to this 3-day broadcast and take heed from this poison.

Many times this becomes an addiction leading to other issues like Emotional and Physical Affairs. Next week on FamilyLife Today we'll air an interview where Judy Starr tells of her emotional affair and how the Lord healed her marriage. Here's a link to an excerpt from Judy's book, Enticement of the Forbidden.

Take the counsel of these victims and STAY AWAY from these poisons.

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