Sunday, February 1, 2009

Overcoming Sin & Temptation

I'm reading a book of three of John Owen's classic works. John was a puritan pastor whose understanding of the sinfulness of the heart is amazing. It's a very convicting read! I'm reading his "Of Temptation" currently.

I've often looked at the sin in my life and wanted to repent of it and stop performing it. John tells us that no man should "pretend to fear sin that does not fear temptation to it. Tehy are too nearly allied to be separated.... He hates not the fruit who delights in the root." (pg. 193)

I'm realizing that I too often delight in the root of a particular sin more than I hate the fruit that it produces. I'm asking the Lord to change my heart and fill me with more of His Spirit so that I will desire Christ more than anything.

If you have ever struggled with sin, I highly recommend the writings of John Owen.