Well, it happened again. My friend, Jason, and I were working on his car, attempting to replace one of the two cooling fans attached to the radiator. Three simple bolts and one electrical connector - a real "no brainer", or so I thought. Within 5 minutes of starting I realized this was going to be more challenging. The bottom bolt was located directly in front of the metal frame of the car, with barely enough room to get a socket on it. After many failed attempts, I decided that it'd be easier to remove the radiator to access this screw (who designs these things anyway???).
When I loosened the top radiator hose clamp and twisted the hose to break it free, the radiator inlet broke. That's NOT what I had planned! Seems like it had corroded from the inside. In about 20 minutes we had the old radiator removed and laying on the driveway.
Then we were off to the auto parts store to buy a new one. As we were exchanging the parts from the old one to the new one we realized that the fan we were going to install was the WRONG FAN!
Jason encouraged me numerous times during this adventure and reminded me to "smile" often. It was a blessing having him along for this journey as he is a bit more level headed than I am and his perspective on the situation allowed me to realize once again that God IS Sovereign and for reasons unknown to us, He chose to have this happen at this time for His glory and our good.
We installed the new radiator and all seems to be working fine. As I've pondered this fiasco, I find that it reminds me of my spiritual life. Many times I look fine on the outside but am rotten on the inside. It only takes a little bit of "twisting" from the Lord, or anyone else for that matter, to cause me to "break" and spew what's in my heart all over the place.
You see, I too am corroded on the inside. My heart is sinful and wicked. I'm full of pride, anger, selfishness, control, and many other harmful contaminants. I need Jesus to change my heart like we changed this radiator. I need His "fluid" (the Holy Spirit) to flow through me like Prestone flows through this radiator. I need Him, His Word and His Spirit more than you'd ever know.
I'm very good at concealing the corrosion inside my heart. Fortunately, God sees it all and He lovingly and graciously reveals my true condition to me and allows me to confess and repent. He alone can make me new.
The car is working properly again, and so am I. I'm growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that in the future I'll respond differently when He brings these opportunities into my life. I am grateful for His love, and the trust and friendship of Jason and his wife. They've no idea how much joy I receive in providing what little service I can give.
Be sure to come back often to read of my ongoing sanctification saga.
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