Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ladder Ball

We learned about this game from some friends.  We call it "Ladder Ball."  It's easy to build and fun to play.  Watch the video to see how simple it is.

You make 2 "ladders" from PVC pipe (don't glue them together), then use 12 golf balls that you drill a hole through.  We used clothes line to connect the balls together (each set of balls is 16" on center).  One person has 3 sets of all white balls, the other person has 3 sets of one white & one colored ball (to tell the teams apart for scoring purposes).  You could use all colored balls for Team 2, we just didn't have that many colored golf balls.

Scoring: Top rung = 2 points, Middle rung = 3 points, Bottom rung = 1 point.  Top scoring Team wins.

The best part is that it's portable.  Simply take it apart, pack it into a bag and off you go.  Sets up in under 5 minutes.  

We hope you can have fun playing Ladder Ball with your family. If you want the building instructions, just email us. 

Spiritual Equivalent:  In Ladder Ball, getting the ball close to hanging on the rung doesn't help you win... you have to wrap it around perfectly.  In the Christian life, being close to perfect doesn't get you to heaven, only being perfect will.  Since we are not perfect, the only way to do this is through Jesus Christ, God's perfect Son.  He is our "ladder" to heaven.  

Whenever you play Ladder Ball, remember that to get to heaven we must rely on the One and Only way, God's perfect Son, Jesus Christ. 

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